среда, 26. септембар 2012.


these days are hectic! I am moving out tomorrow so practically,my life is in my suitcase and a lot of boxes now. These days were really nice,spending time with family,I had sleepover at my gram's last night because I won't see her for few months and that's actually the saddest part. I'll miss her so much.
My best friends are already in Belgrade because my university is last to start(yay or nay?) and from tomorrow I'm oficially the big girl. I'm not used to make yourself breakfast,wash your clothes,do the dishes times but,I guess I'll have to do it now otherwise I'll die of hunger in a pile of mess. :P
My sister is still in Italy,so no sign of her here yet. I'm leaving laptop and camera here and taking my tablet only with me so she'll be the one to take photos and write text posts mostly,but I'll be using my best friend's laptop too because i'm sharing my apartment with her :) Goodbye for now,wish me luck tomorrow. Here are some old photos(Xenia is mostly on them :P) and feel free to leave a comment xo

p.s. goodbye summer,you were great as always!

недеља, 23. септембар 2012.


My sister is on a school trip around Italy and I'm in the middle of moving from my parents' house to my new apartment in Belgrade. Everything is such mess. But here are some photos of my sister Xenia and me,we had the best time of our lives on our little tour in August. We visited Italy,France and Spain,met amazing people,ate yummy food,saw so much,it's still not quite real.
As you'll find in a moment and it'll be mentioned many times here on the blog for sure,I'm in love with Spain. I'm in love with their people,culture and every piece of that country. And as you may guess,I'm studying Spanish language on the Belgrade University :)
I have so many pictures to share and so many texts to write about every place I've visited but I'll take it slow with every post.
So here are some photos and i hope you'll enjoy. xo

субота, 22. септембар 2012.


Hola todos! My sister X and I aren't new to the blogosphere,we had all kinds of blogs over various sites but we decided that we should make blog together because we share so many things and we share passion for almost same stuff so bacially,two blogs would be too much.
I'm student of Philology University in Belgrade and I'll be living there for the next 4 years with my best friend. My sister is still a high-schooler(lucky!) and she's living with our parents in our hometown.
We(actually,SHE) own(s) a camera,Nikon D3000. I love photography but I never dare to take it in my hands and do something with it. She's braver and she handles it really well ;)
We share a closet and there's little bit of a problem but hey,nothing's perfect in life.
So welcome to our blog and I hope you'll enjoy! Feel free to leave a comment,too :) xo